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August 25, 2023

Surrogacy Cost in Jodhpur – Rajasthan 2023: Everything You Need to Know

Parenthood is a cherished dream for many, and advancements in medical science science have made it workable for people and couples facing infertility challenges to experience the joys of bringing up a child through surrogacy. Jodhpur, a socially rich city in the core of Rajasthan, has acquired conspicuousness as an objective for surrogacy administrations. This article expects to give an extensive outline of surrogacy costs in Jodhpur – Rajasthan, taking into account key factors that impact the costs and highlighting the significance of ethical practices.

Surrogacy post

Why should you trust SELECT IVF for surrogacy in Jodhpur – Rajasthan?

  • First-stage top counseling sessions
  • Premium services and processes
  • Highly competent specialists for surrogacy treatment in Jodhpur – Rajasthan
  • Sky-high surrogacy success rates in Jodhpur – Rajasthan
  • Contact us Email ID: [email protected]
  • Call us: +91- 9899293903

Understanding Surrogacy

Parenthood is a profound and universally cherished aspiration, but for some, the journey to parenthood can be paved with challenges. Surrogacy has emerged as a groundbreaking solution, offering hope to individuals and couples who face infertility, medical conditions, or other circumstances that prevent them from experiencing the joys of pregnancy and childbirth. In this guide, we will delve into the intricacies of surrogacy, exploring its different types, processes, ethical considerations, and the transformative impact it has on the lives of intended parents and surrogates alike.

Defining Surrogacy

Surrogacy is a reproductive arrangement in which a woman, known as the surrogate, carries a pregnancy on behalf of intended parents. The surrogate willingly agrees to carry and nurture the child until birth, after which legal custody is typically transferred to the intended parents. This complex journey involves medical procedures, legal agreements, and emotional support to ensure a successful and positive experience for all parties involved.

Types of Surrogacy

  • Traditional Surrogacy: In traditional surrogacy, the surrogate’s own egg is fertilized with the intended father’s sperm or donor sperm through artificial insemination. The surrogate is genetically related to the child. This type of surrogacy is less common today due to legal, emotional, and genetic complexities.
  • Gestational Surrogacy: Gestational surrogacy involves using in vitro fertilization (IVF) to create embryos using the intended parents’ or donors’ eggs and sperm. The embryos are then implanted into the surrogate’s uterus. In gestational surrogacy, the surrogate has no genetic connection to the child.

The Surrogacy Process

  • Medical Evaluation: Both the intended parents and the surrogate undergo thorough medical evaluations to ensure their physical and psychological suitability for the surrogacy process.
  • Legal Procedures: Legal contracts are drawn up to establish the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved, addressing issues such as parental rights, compensation, and medical decisions.
  • Medical Procedures: In gestational surrogacy, IVF is used to create embryos that are implanted into the surrogate’s uterus. The surrogate receives comprehensive medical care and prenatal support throughout the pregnancy.
  • Emotional Support: The emotional well-being of all parties is paramount. Counseling and support groups are often provided to help navigate the emotional challenges that can arise during the surrogacy journey.

Ethical Considerations

  • Consent: Surrogacy depends on educated and deliberate assent from the ssurrogate. She has the privilege to come to conclusions about her body and the pregnancy.
  • Compensation: Fair and ethical remuneration for the surrogate time, exertion, medical expenses, and close to home responsibility is fundamental.
  • Intended Parents’ Rights: The intended parents reserve the option to come to conclusions about the child’s future, and lawful agreements guarantee their parental freedoms are protected.

Impact on Lives

Surrogacy holds the power to transform lives in profound ways:

Surrogacy satisfies the dreams about becoming guardians for the people who might have confronted apparently inconceivable snags. It offers the opportunity to experience the joys of childbirth and life as a parent.

Surrogates assume a chivalrous part in helping other people construct families. Their generosity and sympathy leave an enduring effect on the lives they contact.

Overall, Surrogacy is a remarkable journey that exemplifies the strength of the human spirit and the possibilities of medical advancements. It provides hope, transforms lives, and demonstrates the depth of human compassion and empathy. By understanding the nuances of surrogacy, its types, processes, and ethical considerations, we can appreciate the intricate tapestry of emotions and decisions that weave the fabric of this extraordinary pathway to parenthood.

Factors Influencing Surrogacy Costs

Surrogacy is a complex and life-changing journey for intended parents, involving medical, legal, and emotional components. As individuals and couples explore the possibility of surrogacy, it’s important to understand the factors that contribute to surrogacy costs. From medical procedures to legal requirements and support services, a range of variables influence the overall expenses of a surrogacy journey. This article aims to provide insight into the key factors that play a role in determining surrogacy costs.

  • Medical Procedures: Medical procedures are a significant aspect of surrogacy costs. The complexity of fertility treatments, embryo creation, and transfer can influence the expenses. In vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments, including hormone injections, egg retrieval, and embryo implantation, are integral to the process. The type of surrogacy—traditional or gestational—also impacts the medical procedures and costs.
  • Legal Procedures: Surrogacy involves intricate legal procedures to ensure the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved. Legal fees, drafting contracts, and ensuring compliance with local regulations contribute to the overall cost. Legal expenses cover aspects such as establishing parental rights, surrogacy agreements, and the legal transfer of the child’s custody to the intended parents.
  • Surrogate Compensation: Compensation for the surrogate is a significant component of surrogacy costs. This compensation covers the surrogate’s medical expenses, prenatal care, and living expenses during the pregnancy. Surrogate compensation can vary based on factors such as location, the surrogacy center’s policies, and the surrogate’s experience and medical history.
  • Medical Screening: Rigorous medical screening of both the intended parents and the surrogate is essential to ensure the success of the surrogacy journey. Genetic testing, psychological evaluations, and medical assessments contribute to the overall costs. These screenings are crucial to identify potential health risks and ensure a healthy pregnancy.
  • Support Services: Emotional and psychological support for all parties involved — expected guardians, substitute, and, surprisingly, the child — is a crucial part of the surrogacy process. Support services, for example, guiding, support gatherings, and medical consultations, add to a positive and balanced insight. While these services improve the general excursion, they could bring about extra expenses.
  • Logistical Expenses: For expected guardians who are not neighborhood to the surrogacy center, there may be logistical costs to consider. These incorporate travel expenses, convenience, and possibly remaining in the substitute’s area during key stages of the surrogacy process.
  • Location of Surrogacy Center: The geological area of the surrogacy center can impact costs. Focuses situated in regions with a greater expense of living could have higher charges for services, medical treatments, and surrogate compensation.
  • Additional Services: Some surrogacy centers offer optional additional services, like orientation determination or pre-implantation genetic testing. These administrations can add to the general expense however may be interesting to planned guardians seeking specific outcomes.

Generally, Surrogacy costs are influenced by a multitude of factors, each playing a role in shaping the overall expenses of the journey. As intended parents navigate the surrogacy process, understanding these factors is essential for financial planning and decision-making. By researching and consulting with reputable surrogacy centers, individuals and couples can gain a clear understanding of the costs involved, ensuring a well-informed and ultimately rewarding surrogacy experience.

What is the Cost of Surrogacy in Jodhpur – Rajasthan?

The Cost of surrogacy in Jodhpur – Rajasthan varies based on individual needs, medical requirements, and package inclusions. On average, it can range from ₹10,00,000 to ₹15,00,000, encompassing medical expenses, legal formalities, surrogate compensation, and administrative charges. The final cost is determined by factors like chosen services and any unforeseen medical developments. Select IVF strives to provide transparent and personalized cost structures, ensuring couples receive the best possible care and support throughout their surrogacy journey in Jodhpur – Rajasthan.

Surrogacy ProcedureCost (Surrogacy Package)
Surrogacy using own eggs & own spermsRs. 15 Lakh To 18 Lakh
Surrogacy by donor eggs and own spermsRs. 16 Lakh to 19 Lakh
Surrogacy with donor sperms and own eggsRs. 16 Lakh to 20 Lakh
surrogacy  (cost) & Embryo Transfer (Cost)Up to Rs. 4 Lakh
Surrogate Mother Selection (Cost)+ Blood Tests (Cost) + Surrogate Mother Preparation (Cost)Up to Rs. 2 Lakh
Normal Vaginal Delivery CostUp to Rs. 70,000
cesarean section or C-section Delivery CostUp to Rs. 1 Lakh to 2 Lakh
Housing for Surrogate mother (Cost) + Food (Cost)Up to Rs. 3 Lakh

The success rate of surrogacy in Jodhpur – Rajasthan

The success rate of surrogacy in Jodhpur – Rajasthan depends on the challenges that get faced by couples. But if you want to get a rough idea then this success table is for you where you can get a rough idea regarding your surrogacy treatment. There is a success rate mentioned as per the different cases such as surrogacy with self-eggs and sperm, surrogacy donor’s eggs and sperm, etc. 

No.Surrogacy TreatmentsSuccess rates
a.        surrogacy with self-eggs50 to 60%
b.       surrogacy with self-sperm55 to 60%
c.        surrogacy with donor eggs70 to 75%
d.       surrogacy with donor sperm73 to 77%
e.       surrogacy with FET60 to 65%
f.         surrogacy with ICSI50 to 65%

Success rate of surrogacy in Jodhpur – Rajasthan

Cost of surrogacy in Bathinda - Punjab
Cost of surrogacy in Bathinda – Punjab

The success rate of surrogacy with self-egg and sperm provides more than 50% to 60%, whereas the success rate of surrogacy with donor’s sperm and eggs provides a high success rate which is around 70% to 75%. 

  1. Women who are 45 years or older have a 15–20% probability.
  2. Women who are 40 years or older have a 20–21% probability.
  3. Women who are 35 years or older have a 25–28% probability.
  4. Women who are 30 years or older have a 33–35% probability.
  5. Women who are 25 years or older have a 40–50% probability.

Find affordable options for your infertility treatment

If you are looking for the best surrogacy centre which gives you all world-class faculties at an affordable cost then Select IVF as one of the best infertility treatment centre which ensures the improvement of the patient’s experiences through their service. Through this centre there are more than 1500 couples who have conceived. 

i. The patient-focused assistance of the centre

ii. Professionals with extensive education and experience

iii. Infrastructure that is well-built for maximum comfort and happiness

iv. The entire medical staff treats you with respect

v. Assists you throughout the entire process from the beginning

vi. Offers transparent fees and processes

You have the option of choosing IVF for all of these! So, reach out to us at +91- 9899293903 | Email ID: [email protected]

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Surrogacy is a remarkable opportunity for individuals and couples to fulfill their dreams of parenthood. While surrogacy costs in Jodhpur – Rajasthan, encompass various components, it’s crucial to prioritize ethical practices, transparency, and legal compliance when selecting a surrogacy center. By understanding the factors that influence the expenses and exploring affordable options, intended parents can embark on this transformative journey with confidence, knowing that they are taking significant steps toward building a family.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What factors influence the cost of surrogacy in Jodhpur, Rajasthan?

The cost of surrogacy in Jodhpur is influenced by factors such as medical procedures, legal expenses, surrogate compensation, medical screening, support services, and logistical expenses. The type of surrogacy, medical history, and location also play a role in determining the overall expenses.

2. What is included in the surrogacy cost package in Jodhpur?

Surrogacy cost packages in Jodhpur typically include medical procedures such as fertility treatments, embryo transfer, prenatal care, and delivery. Legal expenses, surrogate compensation, medical screening, and support services may also be part of the package. It’s important to inquire about the specifics of the package to understand what is covered.

3. Can I choose a surrogacy center based on cost alone?

While cost is an important consideration, it’s not the only factor to consider. The reputation of the surrogacy center, the expertise of the medical team, ethical practices, legal compliance, and the quality of support services are equally important. It’s recommended to balance cost with other factors to ensure a positive surrogacy experience.

4. Are there any hidden costs associated with surrogacy in Jodhpur?

Reputable surrogacy centers in Jodhpur strive to maintain transparency and provide clear information about costs. However, it’s essential to clarify whether there are any additional or unexpected costs that might arise during the surrogacy journey. Asking for a breakdown of expenses can help avoid surprises.

5. Can I get an estimate of the total surrogacy cost in Jodhpur?

The total surrogacy cost in Jodhpur can vary based on individual circumstances and the chosen surrogacy center. On average, the cost may range from INR 8 lakhs to 15 lakhs or more. It’s recommended to consult with surrogacy centers directly to get a personalized estimate based on your specific situation.

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