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May 4, 2023

Surrogacy Cost in the United Kingdom – Affordable Family Building Options

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost in United Kingdom

The 3.5 million British couples who suffer from infertility have surrogacy as one of their main therapeutic options.

We will provide you with all the details in this post, including the legal framework, the procedure, the expenses, and the hazards involved. Our mission is to give you the information you need to make wise choices and guarantee a successful surrogacy experience.

Therefore, we started this blog to provide information to couples interested in surrogacy. Through this blog, one may discover the price of surrogacy in the UK and its chances of success.

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Why should you trust SELECT IVF UK for Surrogacy in the United Kingdom?

  • First-stage top counseling sessions
  • Premium services and processes
  • Highly competent specialists for Surrogacy treatment in the United Kingdom 
  • Sky-high Surrogacy success rates in the United Kingdom 
  • Contact us Email ID: [email protected]
  • Call us: +91- 9899293903 

What is a Surrogacy?

Using a surrogate mother (also referred to as a gestational surrogate mother or carrier), surrogacy is an assisted reproductive technology (ART) that enables intended parents to become parents. In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) is used to fertilize the intended mother’s eggs (or occasionally donor eggs) with the intended father’s or donor sperm. After being raised until day 5, the resultant embryos were placed in the surrogate’s womb. Gestational surrogacy is a complex and stressful process that needs meticulous preparation, advice from a lawyer, and medical knowledge.

An Overview of Surrogacy in the UK 

In accordance with UK legislation, surrogacy is having another woman carry a child for the intended parents when those parents cannot become parents for any reason.

In the UK, only volunteer surrogacy is permitted; therefore, intended parents cannot compensate surrogate moms financially for their services. As a result, there is a huge waiting list, and finding a surrogate mother in the UK takes time.

Neither the intended parents nor the surrogate mothers are permitted to promote surrogacy services. In the UK, no surrogacy agencies can provide surrogates, but they can direct, support, and mediate both partners’ journeys. Since no surrogacy agency matching is permitted in the UK, finding private surrogate mothers can take a long time.

In addition, the birth mother is the child’s legal mother according to UK surrogacy rules. As a result, even though there is no genetic connection, the surrogate mother, also known as the birth mother, is the surrogate child’s legal parent. Therefore, in order to obtain full legal parentage of the child, the intended parents must apply for a parental order (similar to adoption).

Surrogacy Cost in United Kingdom
Surrogacy Cost in United Kingdom

Types of Surrogacy in United Kingdom

There are two types of Surrogacies available in the United Kingdom.

1. Traditional Surrogacy

In Traditional surrogacy, the surrogate mother conceives the child using her eggs. She shares genetics with the child, making them connected.

2. Gestational Surrogacy

With gestational surrogacy, the intended parents or donors’ eggs and sperm are used to create an embryo that the surrogate mother carries. 

The surrogate, in this case, is merely a carrier. The more popular type of surrogacy is gestational since it avoids the legal issues that can occur when the surrogate mother is genetically linked to the kid.

If a surrogate mother in the UK marries, it could be more difficult for the intended parents to establish the baby’s legal parentage. According to UK surrogacy legislation, even if the surrogate has no genetic ties to the baby’s father and is in no way connected to the surrogate procedure, the surrogate’s civil partner will be the child’s legal father. To minimize an overly cumbersome process once the baby is born, single surrogate mothers are offered to intended parents in the UK.

The Process of Surrogacy in UK

There are various steps to the surrogacy procedure in the UK, including

  • Locating a surrogate
  • Getting screened for health issues
  • Embryo transfer and fertilization.

To ensure they completely grasp the ramifications of surrogacy and are ready for the potential emotional and legal issues, the intended parents and the surrogate mother must also undertake psychological testing and legal counseling.

What is the cost of Surrogacy in the United Kingdom?

Depending on the surrogate mother and the kind of hospital you use, the cost of surrogacy in the UK can range from £50,000 to £60,000.

The following expenses are included in the overall cost of the surrogacy:

  • The IVF process fee for the surrogate mother was paid to the fertility clinic.
  • Legal fees for surrogacy contracts and obtaining the baby’s parental order
  • Consulting fee for overseeing or directing the surrogacy process

A Detailed Guide on Cost of Surrogacy in UK 

1. Compensation for the Sperm Donor

You only have to pay the reimbursements listed below; the surrogate mother’s costs are negligible. Recent legal decisions have allowed surrogate mothers to receive “expense payments” of up to £25,000.

According to UK surrogacy regulations, the following expenses are deemed reasonable:

  • Maternity wear
  • Loss of your income and, if applicable, your partner’s income.
  • Costs associated with travel to and from clinical visits.
  • lodging expenses for traveling to the clinical appointments
  • If you visit the intended parents, your family’s travel expenses will be covered.
  • A rest period for you and your family
  • Additional childcare expenses you might incur
  • Any additional expenses incurred during the surrogacy process
  • Vitamins and dietary supplements will be more expensive.

2. The additional expenses that the intended parents pay for are:

  • Legal costs
  • Help for counseling during your surrogacy
  • Insurance premiums

The cost of IVF varies depending on the fertility clinics and where they are located. The IVF clinic might run as much as £25,000 on average. It does involve gathering sperm and eggs, fertilizing the eggs, and transferring the fertilized eggs to surrogate mothers. Delivery of the child and pregnancy preparation are additional. In the UK, surrogacy is now legal for married and unmarried people.

Select IVF covers all of the surrogacy services. We advise you to receive fertility treatment at the UK’s best and most reputable surrogacy clinic.

Comprehensive Surrogacy Cost in United Kingdom

Cost is the unstable component that gets affected easily by many aspects. One of the main aspects is the location as per the living of people that cost gets charged. So while undergoing the treatment one needs to ensure the location and living of people in the area where they want to get treatment. As per that they could prepare their budget without breaking the bank. The average price of surrogacy in United Kingdom is $ 50,000 USD to $ 70,000 USD including all the expenses such as medication, clothes, food, etc. The average cost in United Kingdom also depends on the clinic and service as well. 

Surrogacy ProcedureCost (Surrogacy Package)
Surrogacy using own eggs & own sperms$18000 to $22000
Surrogacy by donor eggs and own sperms$19000 to $23000
Surrogacy with donor sperms and own eggs$19000 to $25000
IVF (cost) & Embryo Transfer (Cost)Up to $5000
Surrogate Mother Selection (Cost)+ Blood Tests (Cost) + Surrogate Mother Preparation (Cost)Up to $2500
Normal Vaginal Delivery CostUp to $1000
cesarean section or C-section Delivery CostUp to $1200 to $2500
Housing for Surrogate mother (Cost) + Food (Cost)Up to $4000

Why should you trust SELECT IVF in the UK for surrogacy? 

  • Sessions for first top counseling
  • High-end procedures and services
  • Highly qualified professionals in the UK for surrogacy treatment
  • High success rates for surrogacy in the UK

Average Costing of Surrogacy Cities in United Kingdom

United Kingdom CitiesAverage Cost of IVF
London$18,000 to $25,000
Birmingham$19,000 to $25,000
Manchester$20,000 to $22,000
Liverpool$18,000 to $23,500
Leeds$19,800 to $24,500
Sheffield$15,800 to $24,500
Teesside$22,800 to $24,000
Bristol$20,000 to $25,000
Bournemouth and Poole$21,500 to $23,500
Stoke-on-Trent$22,500 to $24,500
Leicester$22,225 to $23,800
Wirral$18,000 to $25,000
Coventry$19,000 to $25,000
Nottingham$20,000 to $22,000
Bradford$18,000 to $23,500

The success rate of Surrogacy in United Kingdom

Don’t you think you are missing something? The success possibilities of surrogacy in United Kingdom. Yes, you should be aware of the success possibilities that you get through surrogacy treatment. As you are investing your time and money in treatment to achieve your desire without getting aware of success and possibilities is not good. So whenever you are having a treatment get ensured with your success possibilities through your doctors. If you want a rough idea then the table will help you. In this table, we have explained the average success possibilities of surrogacy in United Kingdom.

Surrogacy treatmentsSuccess rate of surrogacy
Surrogacy using own eggs & own sperms( gestational surrogacy)75% to 95%
Surrogacy by donor eggs and own sperms( traditional surrogacy)85% to 95%
Surrogacy with donor sperms and own eggs80 %to 90%
IVF  & Embryo Transfer 85% to 90%

There are different ways to complete surrogacy which have been explained above in the post.  Gestational surrogacy provides a 75 to 95% guarantee whereas traditional surrogacy provides more than 80 to 95% success possibilities. If the couples require it then they can go for the donor’s sperm and embryo which gives them more than 90% success possibilities. As they will get high-quality embryos that will be fertilized and survive in a uterus. 

Points need to be considered while taking surrogacy services in United Kingdom

There are points that need to be considered before going to treatment. The Centre you are going to suggest is select IVF which provides you with all the services that you need during treatment. The one will get well-trained staff which ensures the environment is friendly with the team of doctors including gynecologists, embryologists, and urologists. For more info read the points written below:

i. The patient-focused assistance of the Centre

ii. Professionals with extensive education and experience

iii. Infrastructure that is well-built for maximum comfort and happiness

iv. The entire medical staff treats you with respect

v. Assists you throughout the whole process from the beginning

vi. Offers transparent fees and processes

You have the option of choosing IVF for all of these! So, reach out to us at +91- 9899293903 | Email ID: [email protected]

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    In conclusion, the blog was established with the intention of assisting couples in budget planning by providing information on the price of surrogacy in the UK. In order to make one aware of the surrogacy treatment so they won’t sound oblivious of it when having the procedure, we have thoroughly detailed it in this post.

    In a nutshell, surrogacy has a healthy surrogate mother carry the couple’s child inside her womb until delivery and then return the child to them after delivery.

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