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August 4, 2023

How Much Does IVF Cost in Shillong 2023

In latest years, the sphere of assisted reproductive technology has witnessed big advancements, supplying choices and answers to couples tormented by infertility. In Shillong, the capital of Meghalaya nestled in the picturesque northeastern region of India, the technological breakthroughs have caused the emergence of numerous fertility clinics imparting In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) services. This text delves into the realm of IVF Cost in Shillong, focusing on the famed Select out IVF hospital and dropping mild on the elements that impact the cost of IVF treatments.


Why should you trust SELECT IVF for IVF Centre in Shillong?

  • First-stage top counseling sessions
  • Premium services and processes
  • Highly competent specialists for IVF treatment in the Shillong
  • Sky-high IVF success rates in the Shillong
  • Contact us Email ID: [email protected]
  • Call us: +91- 9899293903

IVF: A Beacon of Hope

In the journey towards parenthood, IVF has emerged as a beacon of wish for endless couples facing demanding situations with conception. IVF includes a chain of complex strategies, along with egg retrieval, fertilization in a laboratory setting, and the subsequent switch of the embryo into the uterus. At the same time as IVF offers promising effects, it is vital to remember the associated prices, as they could vary primarily based on several elements.

Factors Influencing IVF Cost in Shillong

The cost of IVF treatments can fluctuate significantly due to a multitude of factors unique to each individual’s situation. Understanding these factors can help couples make informed decisions when considering IVF treatments at clinics like Select IVF in Shillong.

Diagnostic Tests and Evaluations: before setting out IVF treatment, a series of diagnostic assessments and opinions are carried out to evaluate the couple’s fertility popularity. These assessments include hormone tests, ultrasounds, and semen analysis. The price of these initial exams is a crucial component of the overall IVF price.

Type of IVF Procedure: The specific type of IVF procedure recommended by fertility specialists can impact the overall cost. Procedures such as ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) or PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) may incur additional charges due to their specialized nature.

Medication Costs: IVF treatment involves the administration of numerous medications to stimulate egg manufacturing and alter the reproductive cycle. The cost of those medications can notably contribute to the general fee of the treatment.

Number of IVF Cycles: The wide variety of IVF cycles required to obtain a successful pregnancy varies from character to character. Some couples can also gain fulfillment in an unmarried cycle, while others may also need more than one try. Every cycle incurs its very own fee, along with remedy, monitoring, and laboratory expenses

Lab and Facility Fees: The first-class of the laboratory and facilities at the selected IVF sanatorium, inclusive of Select IVF, can impact the general value. Today’s facilities equipped with advanced generations may come with a better rate tag.

Professional Fees: The fees charged by fertility specialists, embryologists, and other medical professionals involved in the IVF process contribute to the total cost. These fees can vary based on the clinic’s reputation and the experience of the medical team.

Additional Services: Some clinics offer optional services such as cryopreservation (freezing) of embryos, egg freezing, and embryo genetic testing. These services can provide added benefits but may also increase the overall cost.

Location: The geographic location of the IVF clinic, such as Shillong in this case, can play a role in determining the cost. Clinics in metropolitan cities may have higher overhead costs, impacting the final bill.

Patient’s Age and Medical History: The age of the patient and any underlying medical conditions can influence the complexity of the IVF treatment and consequently impact the cost.

Select IVF: A Premier Choice in Shillong

Amidst the plethora of fertility clinics in Shillong, Select IVF has emerged as a premier choice for couples seeking IVF treatments. With a reputation for excellence, state-of-the-art facilities, and a team of experienced professionals, Select IVF has garnered trust and admiration from patients.

Cost of IVF in Shillong 

The Cost of IVF in Shillong varies based on factors like clinic, treatment plan, and medical needs. On average, it can range from INR 1,20,000 to 2,50,000 or more. It’s crucial to consult reputable clinics, like Select IVF, to get accurate pricing and personalized cost estimates. These figures encompass medical procedures, medications, lab tests, and consultations. Select IVF can guide you through the process, ensuring transparency and helping you make an informed decision about your IVF journey in Shillong.

IVF treatments Cost of IVF treatments 
Basic IVF treatment Rs. 80,000 to 2,50,000
IVF with ICSI Rs. 2,00,000 to 3,50,000
IVF with FET Rs. 1,50,000 to 3,00,000
IVF with PESA, TESA, and TESE Rs. 2,50,000 to 5,00,000
IVF with sperm donor programs Rs. 1,00,000 to 2,50,000
IVF with egg donation Rs. 1,80,000 to 2,50,000
IVF with embryo donation Rs. 3,50,000 to 5,50,000
IVF with surrogacy Rs. 3,50,000 to 5,50,000
IVF with PGS/PGDRs. 1,50,000 to 2,50,000

What is the Success rate IVF treatment provides?

Cost IVF in Shillong
Cost of IVF in Shillong 

The Success rate of IVF in Shillong is described below and all the different situations have been mentioned. The success rate depends on the ones as per the challenges they are facing. If it can be cured with the help of medication then the couples will get a high success rate. It is recommended that for better information regarding your infertility problem consult with your doctor who will tell you the success rate as per your complication. 

No.IVF treatmentsSuccess rates
a.        IVF with self-eggs50 to 60%
b.       IVF with self-sperm55 to 60%
c.        IVF with donor eggs70 to 75%
d.       IVF with donor sperm73 to 77%
e.       IVF with FET60 to 65%
f.         IVF with ICSI50 to 65%

Your Success rate with IVF in Shillong will still depend on several variables. Because some couples are older than others, this affects their odds. because producing healthy gametes becomes difficult as people age. Additionally, inadequate gametes during the IVF procedure can result in a failed IVF. So, for a successful outcome, you need healthy gametes. Instances include:

  1. Women who are 45 years or older have a 15–20% probability.
  2. Women who are 40 years or older have a 20–21% probability.
  3. Women who are 35 years or older have a 25–28% probability.
  4. Women who are 30 years or older have a 33–35% probability.
  5. Women who are 25 years or older have a 40–50% probability.

What should you consider when selecting the top IVF Clinic in Shillong?

Fertility Treatment Cost in Shillong
Fertility Treatment Cost in Shillong 

We understand how difficult it becomes to select the best option for your infertility treatment but do not get tense as one of the best options is going to suggest to you where the patient collaborates with highly experienced and qualified doctors. The patient will find it comfortable as the staff will always stand by them away from all the quarries that come to their mind. We offer all types of infertility treatment so contact us today! To start, consider the following factors while selecting a location:

i. The patient-focused assistance of the centre

ii. Professionals with extensive education and experience

iii. Infrastructure that is well-built for maximum comfort and happiness

iv. The entire medical staff treats you with respect

v. Assists you throughout the entire process from the beginning

vi. Offers transparent fees and processes

You have the option of choosing IVF for all of these! So, reach out to us at +91- 9899293903 | Email ID: [email protected]


The journey toward parenthood through IVF can be both emotionally and financially challenging. In Shillong, Select IVF stands as a beacon of hope, offering couples a chance to realize their dream of having a child. As couples consider the IVF cost in Shillong, factors such as diagnostic tests, type of procedure, medication costs, and clinic reputation should be carefully weighed. With select IVF’s transparent pricing, customized treatment plans, and brilliant achievement rates, couples can embark on their IVF journey with self-assurance, knowing they may be in successful hands. Even as the price is a sizable consideration, the valuable praise of parenthood makes each effort and investment profitable.

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    1. What is the average cost of IVF in Shillong?

    The cost of IVF in Shillong can vary based on a range of factors, including the clinic you choose, the specific treatment plan recommended by your doctor, and any additional services required. On average, IVF treatment in Shillong may cost anywhere from [insert estimated range] including preliminary tests, medications, and procedure fees.

    2. Does the cost of IVF include all necessary procedures and tests?

    The cost of IVF typically includes basic procedures and tests such as initial consultations, diagnostic tests, egg retrieval, fertilization, embryo transfer, and monitoring during the treatment cycle. However, certain additional procedures or specialized tests like genetic testing may incur extra charges.

    3. Are medications included in the IVF cost?

    In most cases, the cost of fertility medications used to stimulate egg production and regulate the reproductive cycle is not included in the base IVF cost. These medication expenses will be separate and can vary depending on the type and dosage prescribed by your doctor.

    4. How many IVF cycles are usually included in the cost?

    The number of IVF cycles included in the cost can vary from clinic to clinic. Some clinics offer package deals that include multiple cycles for a fixed price, while others may charge on a per-cycle basis. It’s important to clarify this with your chosen clinic before starting the treatment.

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