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January 10, 2023

Which is the Best Fertility Centre in Chennai 2023?

Best Fertility Clinics Resolving Fertility Issues – List Of Five Best Fertility Centres In Chennai –

After darkness, there always comes LIGHT, and so does the Best Fertility Centre in Chennai come in the life of the couples who are not capable of conceiving by their own. Fertility centre is the best option to go for when a couple experiences issues in having their baby. Each couple has different fertility issues and based on the report of their fertility evaluation, the treatment is suggested. Once the couple gets through with a proper examination of their fertility test, the next step would be the recommendation of a suitable treatment (either the primary or advanced) planned by the senior doctor.

It usually happens when a couple realizes that they are facing problem while having child, they get nervous either they become worried for the next step. If you are also at the same stage and confronting it for the very first time – don’t worry, be calm and get rid of the tension that’s causing stress of being parent. At the Best Fertility Centre in Chennai, one can get the best and top-notch fertility treatment at authentic price.

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The first thing that matters while planning to go for the fertility option is –from which centre you should go for the fertility treatment. The answer of this question is by researching well about the fertility centre. There are several fertility centres in Chennai providing the treatments for the infertility issues to the couples, but how one can categorize the genuine fertility centre in Chennai amongst them, that’s the main question. We are one of the leading fertility platforms serving the most reasonable and world-class infertility treatment ensuring that the couple gets the Best Fertility Centre in Chennai.

So here we are – this entire page lets you know about each aspect of the best fertility clinic and how many best fertility centres available for the couple to receive the best treatment journey under the proficient experts.

List Of Ten Five Fertility Centres In Chennai –

Fertility centres in Chennai are undeniably the famous option to have a baby by the ones who are unable to conceive. It sometimes becomes tough for the couple to seek the Best Fertility Centre in Chennai, and at times, some couples getmisguidedby false and unauthentic fertility clinics, resultant, the couple rather than expecting good, gets a bad luck ( such as asking for additional cost during the procedure, less success rate, less experience of the expert and so on). Avoiding all this possibility, we have listed the best fertility clinics so that one can directly choose their preferred clinic for their fertility option –


These are some of the best and top most chosen Best Fertility Centres in Chennai providing a decent success rate to the couples. Let’s pick top five fertility centres in Chennai and gather some necessary information about that in order to have the basic idea about these centres and what they provide; let’s start –

Necessary Information About The Top Five Fertility Centres In Chennai–

1. Select IVF India – The Best Fertility Centre in Chennai

Best Fertility Centre in Chennai 2023
Best Fertility Centre in Chennai 2023

Select IVF India has its name giving the expensive treatments at so very authentic price to the couples aiming each couple must enjoy their parenthood without much trouble and delay. Working on this fact, this fertility centre has touched the zenith of providing the best Fertility Centre in Chennai. With the team of skilled and proficient fertility team, it has proper experts arrangements too – junior fertility expert, senior doctor, embryologists, lab technicians, nurses and fertility coordinators. These are one of the main facets stating a perfect fertility clinic for the couples.

At the best fertility clinic in Chennai, one can easily find the embryologists, urologists, lab-technicians, and other staff members possessing ample experience to make sure that all the chances of mistakes are eliminated and the higher possibility of success in the fertility treatment is assured.

Select IVF India ensures the couple receives best treatment along with each advanced amenities at cost-effective package. This fertility centre comes up with all the basic and advanced treatment (of an ART or say AI), such as – IUI, IVF, IVF with donor egg/embryo/ sperm, IVF with LAH, blastocyst culture, IVF with ICSI/IMSI/PICSI, IVF-ICSI with Surgical Sperm Retrieval and so on.

  • Fertility success rate – 70%
  • Cost of IVF with self-egg– 1,75,000 – INR 1,85,000 (including the medication)
  • Ratings – 4.5/5
  • Website –

2. APOLLO FERTILITY CENTRE – The Best Fertility Centre in Chennai

APOLLO FERTILITY CENTRE – The Best Fertility Centre in Chennai

Apollo fertility centre has arrived at the eminent name giving the best fertility treatment to the couples. This centre has helped thousand of the couples gifting them biggest joy of bundle as a form of newborn. Apollo stands far above the ground pioneering fertility services and the IVF Treatments to the infertile couples.

It has the best fertility team that work well in the fertility treatment of the patient. Providing the top-notch services related to the infertility treatment, it also give a decent success rate to the couples. This Best Fertility Centre in Chennai is favored by numerous individuals of the Indian couples to have their baby by the treatment, yet furthermore a couple of abroad patient select this clinic for the fertility treatment. This clinic has mind blowing and extraordinary establishment which is one of the unique factor about it. This clinic passes on its unparalleled assurance to achieve incredible results all through the IVF Treatment and guarantee the patient won’t have any trouble in their IVF adventure. It follows a patient-driven way of thinking and gives the best-required ART treatment to the entirety of its patients.

3. PRASHANTH FERTILITY RESEARCH CENTRE – The Best Fertility Centre in Chennai


Prashanth Fertility Research Center is one of the leading and Best Fertility Clinic in Chennai. The fertility clinic is serving its administrations since its commencement. It offers an amazing scope of fertility administrations, for example, ovulation induction, IVF, ICSI, IUI, TESA, and Surrogacy methodology. The clinic offers its administrations and offices with the assistance of various expert clinical specialists. This fertility clinic has all cutting edge advances and progressed strategies in the medical care division. The principle point of the clinic is to give the best treatment according to the prerequisite of the clinical instance of the particular patient.

The fertility master and the team of this centre (embryologist, facilitators, lab experts, and clinical specialists) have a sound experience on giving the best infertility treatment. They comprehend that each patient needs a substitute strategy for treatment. Thusly the staff attempts to win the trust and regard of its patients and accessories. This best fertility clinic in Chennai is served by experienced and skilled fertility veteran and master.

  • Fertility success rate – 64%
  • Cost of IVF with self-egg– 1,00,000 (excluding the medication)
  • Website –
  • Ratings – 4.0/5


Best Fertility Centre in Chennai

Chennai fertility centre provides the best fertility treatment, and is one of the famous clinics serving an authentic rate to the couples. It has completely clear and transparent structure of the charges and ensure to give the package at low cost to the couples. It has been rated as top five Best Fertility Clinic in Chennai providing a good success rate during the fertility treatment.

The fertility doctors and other specialists employ the most advanced technology and latest surgical tools while performing the fertility treatment on the patient at this centre to make sure the couple receives the best treatment. The fertility experts remain updated with the technological advances in the area of ART techniques and involve the same in their working of the fertility treatment procedures at this Best Fertility Clinic in Chennai.

This fertility centre serves its patients with a wide degree of forefront development at a moderate expense. Every single patient is treated with the best treatment at this clinic at reasonable expense of the treatment. Every patient is served suitable treatment subject to their fertility issues. The clinic is constantly organized with the most recent progression and has the best team of fertility giving the top notch organizations to the couples handling any hiccups during their fertility treatment.

  • Fertility success rate – 60%
  • Cost of IVF with self-egg– 1,50,000 – 2,00,000
  • Website –
  • Ratings – 3.8/5

5. NOVA FERTILTIY CENTRE – The Best Fertility Centre in Chennai


Nova fertility centre is outstanding amongst other fertility centres and thus, is considered as one of the Best Fertility Clinic in Chennai. The clinic has been effectively delivering its administrations to its patients since it has begun working in the domain of fertility related problems. The clinic has been offering the world-class treatment, medicines and services to in excess of a million of childless couples with high achievement rates and delivery rates. The clinic incorporates a group of IVF masters who are all proficient in working various best in class innovations. The clinic is known for its decent infra that ensure comfort and quick recuperation with the assistance of new and progressed clinical techniques.

Nova fertility centre has a capable and skilled fertility team from guide, pros, and embryologists to experts who counsels best the patients to portray a development plan which is intended to choose their issues cost-adequately to give all the clarification to the couple about the treatment plan. This Best Fertility Centre in Chennai has the best techniques and technology that utilizes in the fertility treatment.

  • Fertility success rate – 57%
  • Cost of IVF with self-egg– 1,50,000 – 2,00,000
  • Website –
  • Ratings – 3.6/5

How Important Is The Role Of The Fertility Centre In Your Infertility Treatment?

The chances of attaining a healthy pregnancy in your fertility treatment largely depend on the fertility centre where you choose to undergo the process. Fertility treatment is a treatment performed to help infertile couples who cannot conceive via natural means and need technological aid. IVF is one of the most famous forms of fertility treatments and is a treatment that makes pregnancy possible outside the area of a woman’s womb.

The fertility centre plays a crucial part in your journey to parenthood and you are not allowed to make any errors when picking the best fertility centre in Chennai. There are many factors that should be kept in mind when on the lookout for a fertility centre such as the qualification and experience of the fertility doctors, the cost of the fertility treatment offered by them, their success rates, availability of sophisticated equipment, etc.

Apart from the role of the fertility centre, another important aspect for success in fertility treatment is the age of the patient, level of severity of their infertility, previous medical history, etc. You cannot afford to miss anything if you wish to assure the highest chances of success in your fertility treatment. But the role of the fertility centre is above all because only the best fertility expert can find out the root cause of your infertility and give you an appropriate treatment.

Best Fertility Centre in Chennai
Best Fertility Centre in Chennai

Few Tips To Consider When Seeking The Best Fertility Centre In Chennai

Before you decide to take the help of fertility treatment while traveling on the road to parenthood, the utmost important decision is to select the fertility centre that will yield the best results in your fertility treatment. However, the tips listed below are not the ultimate, and applying those do not always mean that you will get definite results but is it better to do your best when pondering over choosing the best fertility centre in Chennai.

  • Experience of the fertility centre and the fertility experts

This one is quite common and you also must have thought of it but we cannot emphasize the importance of the experience and expertise of the fertility experts more. It is the authenticity of the track record of performing successful cases of infertility treatments that the fertility doctors hold which makes us confide in them.

So it is crucial to find out the relevant information about the number of effective fertility treatments conducted by fertility doctors of the centre till date. Also, the age of the fertility centre is equally important as the fertility centre should be a veteran in the domain of fertility treatment and always bring their A game when operating the patient for fertility treatment at their centre.

  • Building a connection with the fertility specialist

This is the aspect that most of the couples overlook but more than anything else the success in the fertility treatment is determined by how well you mentally handle yourself during the intricate process. We cannot neglect the importance of fertility doctors and how comfortable he makes you feel during the whole procedure. If you maintain a good rapport with the doctor then the complexities of the process will be reduced to a minimum because you will be able to more effectively communicate with the doctor.

From start to end it is your fertility doctor that is going to be with you, therefore, he should be well-acquainted with all that you go through during the process. Before you choose the fertility centre, consult the fertility expert there and see if you can trust him with the procedure, and get the positive and comfortable vibes. When you can boldly share everything with the doctor, this is when you can confirm that you have found the ideal fertility doctor for your treatment.

  • Feel the warmth of the other staff members at the fertility centre

Maintaining good relations is not just limited to the fertility doctors and the other team members at the hospital should also give you a comforting feeling when you visit the fertility centre. If you have a good feeling while communicating with other teams of specialists at the centre as well, then it is a big green signal for you. The love and care shown by the staff decide the quality of your fertility treatment experience.

Minor things like hygiene of the people at the hospital, cleanliness of the fertility centre, and how the various staff people behave with each other can help you envision the type of fertility treatment experience you are going to have there. Therefore, analyze everything and make sure that no stone remains unturned when you are on the outlook for the best fertility centre.

What is the affordable Cost of IVF in Chennai

 The cost, as we know, is something which a person gives to another person in exchange for any service or product. But the cost can be changed as per the location and living of the individuals. So in this post, you will get aware of the average cost of IVF in Chennai which is $1000 TO $3500. where we have included consultation, medication, fertilization, embryo transfer, etc.

IVF treatments Cost of IVF treatments 
Basic IVF treatment $1000 to $3500
IVF with ICSI $2500 to $4500
IVF with FET $2000 to $4000
IVF with PESA, TESA, and TESE $3000 to $6000
IVF with sperm donor programs $1200 to $3000
IVF with egg donation $2100 to $3000
IVF with embryo donation $4200 to $7000
IVF with surrogacy $4200 to $7000
IVF with PGS/PGD$1800 to $3000

How To Analyze The Success Rate Of The Fertility Centre?

Comparing the success rates of the different fertility clinics is one of the ways by which we decide the credibility of the fertility centre for undergoing the fertility treatment. It is also observed various times that many fertility hospitals show unrealistically high success rates in order to attract the maximum number of patients. Therefore, ensure that the success rates of the fertility centre are authentic and they are not lying about the number of successful fertility treatment cases accomplished by them.

If you are still not satisfied with the research done by you, then why not look for the reviews online. The online reviews given by the patients can prove to be the only testament of the successful fertility treatments done by the fertility centre. The higher the ratings of the fertility centre, the higher the surety that they are the best option for you. So never forget to check the reviews written by other patients as this can prove to be a savior for you when you thinking over the subject of finding the Best Fertility Centre in Chennai and ignoring the bad ones.

Nothing matters more than the cost that you are going to pay in order to have a baby with the help of assisted reproduction. Do your research in identifying the clinic that offers the lowest prices in combination with the finest quality fertility treatment. It is irrational to choose a fertility centre solely on the basis of low cost. Therefore, the quality of the treatment should not be devalued by the low prices.

The fertility clinic should offer you the most acceptable price range and should consult with you thoroughly before making a treatment plan. Beware of the fertility clinics that ask the patients to pay large amounts during the treatment or after when the final payment of the process is done.

Best Fertility Centre in Chennai
Best Fertility Centre in Chennai

Benefits Choosing The Best Fertility Centre In Chennai –

Select IVF India Provides you with the best fertility centre in Chennai that conform to all of theattributes mentioned above. We are a well-established medical tourism company in India that works in collaboration with the best fertility experts and doctors possessing a great deal of experience in solving the most complex cases of infertility with ease.

The expertise and qualification of our fertility specialists is the reason why they have performed so many successful IVF or other fertility treatments and continue to offer their services to patients all over the world. Our labs are well-equipped with the latest technological equipment and our doctors make sure to use advanced operational methods when conducting the course of fertility treatment on the patient.

What makes us truly the best option when it comes to searching for the Best fertility centre in Chennai is our unequaled success rates and authentic cost of the fertility treatments. We offer the highest success rates of different ART methods and our high success rates are the reason why infertile couples from across the world are compelled to opt for our fertility services.

Will you succeed through IVF in Chennai?

Yes, the question might be popping into your mind. It is normal, so to give you an answer we have prepared the success rate of IVF in Chennai. The table is prepared as per the average cases that get faced by most of the couples. This is the success table where different types of treatment are explained with their success rate. The success rate also depends on the challenges that one faces by individuals. 

No.IVF treatmentsSuccess rates
a.        IVF with self-eggs50 to 60%
b.       IVF with self-sperm55 to 60%
c.        IVF with donor eggs70 to 75%
d.       IVF with donor sperm73 to 77%
e.       IVF with FET60 to 65%
f.         IVF with ICSI50 to 65%

Your Success rate with IVF in Chennai will still depend on several variables. Because some couples are older than others, this affects their odds. because producing healthy gametes becomes difficult as people age. Additionally, inadequate gametes during the IVF procedure can result in a failed IVF. So, for a successful outcome, you need healthy gametes. Instances include:

  • Women who are 45 years or older have a 15–20% probability.
  • Women who are 40 years or older have a 20–21% probability.
  • Women who are 35 years or older have a 25–28% probability.
  • Women who are 30 years or older have a 33–35% probability.
  • Women who are 25 years or older have a 40–50% probability.

What should you consider when selecting the top IVF clinic in Chennai?

We understand how difficult it becomes to select the best option for your infertility treatment but do not get tense as one of the best options is going to suggest to you where the patient collaborates with highly experienced and qualified doctors. The patient will find it comfortable as the staff will always stand by them away from all the quarries that come to their mind. We offer all types of infertility treatment so contact us today! To start, consider the following factors while selecting a location:

i. The patient-focused assistance of the centre

ii. Professionals with extensive education and experience

iii. Infrastructure that is well-built for maximum comfort and happiness

iv. The entire medical staff treats you with respect

v. Assists you throughout the entire process from the beginning

vi. Offers transparent fees and processes

You have the option of choosing IVF for all of these! So, reach out to us at +91- 9899293903 | Email ID: [email protected]

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    At The End What You Need To Remember Is –

    Above mentioned criteria are all that we can provide you when it comes to recognizing an excellent fertility centre in Chennai. Do your research properly based on the aforementioned tips and always choose the best fertility centre that best complies with the above aspects. You cannot afford to take it easy when picking the fertility centre because it is the place where you receive the fertility treatment contributes majorly to the successive results in your treatment and aids you in having a baby.

    In the event that you are making arrangements for the fertility treatment, ensure you pick the Best Fertility Center in Chennai, guarantee all the key-factors about that facility. In the event that you think and felt fulfillment from the fertility centre (say with the expert talk, fertility coordinator answering your question and most important authenticity), achievement rate and the treatment cost, feel free to choose that centre.

    Best Fertility Center Chennai has the most advanced research facility with the super up-to-date technologies, advanced strategies to treat the couples who are having an issue in the conception. With a decent success, delivery rate and experienced fertility team, the best fertility center has been providing amazing treatment to fulfill the couples’ biggest dream – accomplishing their parenthood.

    If you have any inquiries or you need our heading to help the line of your fertility issues, without a second thought and delay, you can directly reach to our support team, we would be glad to help you with the best fertility treatment!

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